A Woman of No Importance (Bennett)

Persistently cheerful, blind to the feelings of others and, at heart,
terribly lonely, Peggy is at once a richly comic and desperately moving
creation, providing a rewarding challenge for a mature actress.

A Woman of No Importance (Bennett)


    At work Peggy has carved herself a comfortable niche. Once in hospital, she loses no time in establishing herself as Queen Bee, taking on several responsibilities. Persistently cheerful, blind to the feelings of others and, at heart, terribly lonely, Peggy is at once a richly comic and desperately moving creation, providing a rewarding challenge for a mature actress.

      Licensing & Materials

      • Minimum Fee: £40 per performance plus VAT when applicable.
        This title may have restrictions in place for London based productions. Please submit a licence request to confirm specific availability.


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      Alan Bennett

      Alan Bennett

      Alan Bennett was born in Leeds in 1934. After studying at Oxford University he collaborated as a writer and performer with Dudley Moore, Jonathan Miller and Peter Cook in Beyond the Fringe in 1960 at the Edinburgh Festival. He then turned to writing full time and produced h ...

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