The Seagull (Frayn)
Full-Length Play, Comedy / 5w, 8m
The Seagull
by Anton Chekhov
Translated by Michael Frayn
This translation of Chekhov's classic comedy permits the modern reader to appreciate more than ever before the qualities of the original. Frayn really brin's the familiar Chekhovian characters to life through the use of beautiful, idiomatic English a…
Cast Size
5w, 8m -
Adaptation (Stage & Screen), Period
This translation of Chekhov's classic comedy permits the modern reader to appreciate more than ever before the qualities of the original. Frayn really brin's the familiar Chekhovian characters to life through the use of beautiful, idiomatic English and in this edition provides a comprehe'sive introduction and chronology to the life and works of the playwright.
Cast Attributes
- Time Period 19th Century
- Setting Two interiors, two exteriors
Licensing & Materials
- Minimum Fee: £70 per performance plus VAT when applicable.
This title may have restrictions in place for London based productions. Please submit a licence request to confirm specific availability.