Say Something Happened

Short Play, Drama  /  2w, 1m

Say Something Happened
by Alan Bennett

Eager but green June is despatched by the Council to register elderly people in the area. Mam and Dad are elderly and therefore must be in need of registering - but the able-bodied, street-wise couple have no intention of being registered. Increasing…

Say Something Happened

  • Cast Size
    Cast Size
    2w, 1m


Eager but green June is despatched by the Council to register elderly people in the area. Mam and Dad are elderly and therefore must be in need of registering - but the able-bodied, street-wise couple have no intention of being registered. Increasingly desperate, June resorts to Mr Farquharson's notes on Conduct of Interviews while no-nonsense Mam sorts her out!
  • Time Period Contemporary
  • Setting A hallway and living-room

Licensing & Materials

  • Minimum Fee: £40 per performance plus VAT when applicable.


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Alan Bennett

Alan Bennett

Alan Bennett was born in Leeds in 1934. After studying at Oxford University he collaborated as a writer and performer with Dudley Moore, Jonathan Miller and Peter Cook in Beyond the Fringe in 1960 at the Edinburgh Festival. He then turned to writing full time and produced h ...

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