Snake in the Grass

Full-Length Play, Drama  /  3w

"A creepily, scarily, eerily enjoyable evening." - Sunday Times

"It's a suspense drama about murder, blackmail and haunting; there is depth and subtlety..." - Financial Times
"Subtle and powerful." - The Guardian

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Miriam has cared for her father in the family home during his vituperative last years with the help of a creepily polite nurse, Alice. On Father's death, Miriam's older sister, handsome, divorced Annabel, comes home after over thirty years in Tasmania to find Daddy has left the bulk of his fortune to her. Alice complains to Annabel that Miriam has sacked her and is intent upon blackmail, having evidence, she says, that Miriam did away with the old man. Miriam and Annabel join forces against Alice and the blackmailer's body is soon hurtling down the well, but all does not end there.


    "A creepily, scarily, eerily enjoyable evening." - Sunday Times

    "It's a suspense drama about murder, blackmail and haunting; there is depth and subtlety..." - Financial Times

    "Subtle and powerful." - The Guardian


    • Alan Ayckbourn on Growing As a Dramatist youtube thumbnail

      Alan Ayckbourn on Growing As a Dramatist

    • Alan AyckbAlan Ayckbourn on Comparisonsourn on Growing As a Dramatist youtube thumbnail

      Alan AyckbAlan Ayckbourn on Comparisonsourn on Growing As a Dramatist

    • Alan Ayckbourn on How to Approach His Plays youtube thumbnail

      Alan Ayckbourn on How to Approach His Plays

    • Alan Ayckbourn on Getting Started youtube thumbnail

      Alan Ayckbourn on Getting Started

    • Alan Ayckbourn on the Difference Between Then and Now youtube thumbnail

      Alan Ayckbourn on the Difference Between Then and Now

    • Alan Ayckbourn on Ideas youtube thumbnail

      Alan Ayckbourn on Ideas

    • Alan Ayckbourn on Writing a Well Made Play youtube thumbnail

      Alan Ayckbourn on Writing a Well Made Play

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    Licensing & Materials

    • Minimum Fee: £70 per performance plus VAT when applicable.
      This title may have restrictions in place for London based productions. Please submit a licence request to confirm specific availability.


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    Alan Ayckbourn

    Alan Ayckbourn

    A playwright and theatre director, to date Alan Ayckbourn has written 89 plays – Family Album attracted four-star reviews when it premiered in September 2022 at the Stephen Joseph, where nearly all his plays are first staged.

    However, this year he will stage his 88th play Welc ...

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