Celebration (Pinter)
Short Play, Dramatic Comedy / 4w, 5m
"Hugely entertaining. The riotous one liners fall far faster and funnier than ever. Pinter captures the vacuous idiocies of everyday dialogue with dazzling skill." - Mail on Sunday
Cast Size
4w, 5m -
Target Audience
Adult, Senior
- Time Period Contemporary
- Setting A restaurant
- Features Contemporary Costumes/Street Clothes
- Cautions
- Mild Adult Themes
"In Pinter's plays, words are probes launched into the world, variously, to mask, to mystify, to mock or to murder. He sets out his entire smorgasbord of gorgeous verbal moves in Celebration, which like all good festive occasions, he keeps light and lively." - The New Yorker
"Hugely entertaining. The riotous one liners fall far faster and funnier than ever. Pinter captures the vacuous idiocies of everyday dialogue with dazzling skill." - Mail on Sunday
"One of the finest comic writers in the language. [The] dialogue has a sense of ebb and flow, of bursting out and retreating in defeat, of self abasement and evasion, of attack and tactical withdrawal. The result is that the most prosaic passages can have a musical quality; harsh minor keys, perversely accurate rhythms, heady crescendos that take you headlong into pauses pregnant with knowledge." - London Sunday Times
Licensing & Materials
- Minimum Fee: £40 per performance plus VAT when applicable.
Please submit a license request to determine availability.