Savin’ Up For Saturday Night: The Honky-Tonk Musical

Savin’ Up For Saturday Night: The Honky-Tonk Musical

Savin’ Up For Saturday Night: The Honky-Tonk Musical

Savin’ Up For Saturday Night: The Honky-Tonk Musical


Lovin’ ain’t easy in this one-honky-tonk town, so when the bartender and the bandleader fall for the same dance hall girl, you’re in for an evening of showstoppers and toe-tappers, cat fights, and love quadrangles that’ll keep any joint jumpin’ till way past last call. And if you think you got the gumption, you’re welcome to get up and dance along.



  • Caution Mild Adult Mild Adult Themes


  • Time Period: Contemporary
  • Target Audience: Adult


Richard Levinson

Richard Levinson entered the world of commercial jingles after penning Burt Reynolds’s novelty hit “Let’s Do Something Cheap and Superficial” many, many years ago, heaping praise on beers, wines, banks, brokers, shopping malls, car dealers, supermarkets, California Eggs, and ...

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