Blackberry Winter

Full-Length Play, Drama  /  2w, 1m

Years of success, meticulous planning, and an eye for detail have in no way prepared Vivienne Avery for her mother's slide into the grip of dementia. Initially hiding behind insomnia-fueled baking and a polite smile, stories about her mother leave Vivienne's inner turmoil quietly laid bare in a juxtaposition of stories, theatrical gestures, and a children's story-esque Alzheimer's "creation myth."

  • Cast Size
    Cast Size
    2w, 1m
  • Duration
    90 minutes
  • Audience
    Target Audience


Years of success, meticulous planning, and an eye for detail have in no way prepared Vivienne Avery for her mother's slide into the grip of dementia. Initially hiding behind insomnia-fueled baking and a polite smile, stories about her mother leave Vivienne's inner turmoil quietly laid bare in a juxtaposition of stories, theatrical gestures, and a children's story-esque Alzheimer's "creation myth."
  • Duration 90 minutes


"Steve Yockey’s new play, Blackberry Winter, doesn’t sugarcoat the situation, but it effectively humanizes what the disease can be like for patients and their loved ones." – Nelson Pressley, The Washington Post

"...the pure, heartfelt emotion guiding the play ultimately comes from Yockey. As Vivienne would agree, such wonders in life never cease and what’s most important is appreciating the possibilities." – Bert Osborne, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

"Compassionate and insightful." – Don Aucoin, Boston Globe

Licensing & Materials

  • Minimum Fee: £55 per performance plus VAT when applicable.


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Steve Yockey

Steve Yockey

Steve Yockey is a Los Angeles-based writer with work produced throughout the US, Europe and Asia. His plays Pluto, Bellwether, Afterlife, Octopus, Large Animal Games, CARTOON, Subculture, Very Still & Hard to See, The Fisherman’s Wife, Wolves, Disassembly, Niagara Falls and T ...
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