Death and the Maiden

Full-Length Play, Drama  /  1w, 2m

Death and the Maiden
by Ariel Dorfman

"Searing." - Christian Science Monitor

Death and the Maiden

  • Cast Size
    Cast Size
    1w, 2m
  • Audience
    Target Audience
  • Winner! 1992 Sir Laurence Olivier Award for Best Play of the London Season

    Winner! 1996 - 5 Dora Awards


Tony award-winning Glenn Close, Richard Dreyfuss and Gene Hackman starred on Broadway in this political thriller. Set in an unnamed country that is, like the author's native Chile, emerging from a totalitarian dictatorship, the play explores the after effects of repression on hearts and souls. Paulina Escobar's husband Gerardo is to head an investigation into past human rights abuses. A Dr. Miranda stops at Escobars' to congratulate Gerardo. Paulina overhears them speaking and is convinced that Miranda supervised her prison torture sessions. She ties him to a chair and conducts her own interrogation, gun in hand. Escobar doesn't know whether to believe his distraught wife or his persuasive new friend. This white knuckle thriller is a rivetting intellectual and emotional tug of war.
  • Time Period Not Applicable
  • Setting A dining/living-room
  • Cautions
    • Gun Shots
    • Mild Adult Themes

Licensing & Materials

  • Minimum Fee: £70 per performance plus VAT when applicable.


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Ariel Dorfman

Ariel Dorfman

Ariel Dorfman, the Chilean-American author of numerous works of fiction, plays, poems, screenplays and essays in both Spanish and English, holds the Walter Hines Page chair at Duke University. His books have been translated into over forty languages and his plays staged in mo ...
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