Up (Ley)

Up (Ley)

Up (Ley)

Up (Ley)

Up (Ley)


A short monologue to be performed by a young actor, which deals with the mental turmoil and paranoia of a patient sectioned in a psychiatric hospital. The production requires a prerecorded äóÖrelaxation tape', which the actor plays for the audience and talks over. This an intimate, unsettling piece in which the actor speaks a number of direct asides to the audience. Available as part of a collection entitled The Ego Plays, along with Spain and I Heart Maths.


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  • Caution Mild Adult Mild Adult Themes


  • Time Period: Contemporary
  • Target Audience: Adult


James Ley

James Ley is a playwright and screenwriter living in Glasgow. His plays include Wilf (Traverse Theatre), Ode to Joy (Stories Untold, Summerhall), Love Song to Lavender Menace (Royal Lyceum Theatre Edinburgh, Summerhall, SoHo Playhouse, New York), Emma and Gill (Catherine ...

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