The Five Wives of Maurice Pinder

The Five Wives of Maurice Pinder

The Five Wives of Maurice Pinder

Matt Charman

ISBN: 9780571238668

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Acting Edition


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The Five Wives of Maurice Pinder

The Five Wives of Maurice Pinder

Matt Charman

ISBN: 9780571238668

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Maurice Pinder is outwardly an ordinary South Londoner. His first wife was unable to have children, so he acquired another to bear him a son. Amazingly, as the play progresses, we see him acquire three more, the marriages taking place at home to avoid charges of bigamy. Yet they all seem to co-exist happily together, each wife having her own night with Maurice, and everything appears to be going welläó_ until Fay brin's home a one-night stand.

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  • Caution Mild Adult Mild Adult Themes


  • Time Period: Contemporary
  • Target Audience: Adult, Senior, Teen (Age 14-18)



Matt Charman