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Acting Edition
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The Staffords regularly fill in their football pool coupon, but they keep it a secret from Grandma, who does not approve of gambling. At the moment they are finding things a bit tight, and Philip is about to give up his golf. Carol, his daughter, is supposed to be engaged to Martin Latham, who lives next door, but he is doubtful of his ability to provide for her. Her brother, Denis, recently demobilised, is about to invest in a very shady venture with a friend if he can raise the money. Staying with them is a niece, Jacky, who quarrels continually with Grandma, after the manner of extreme youth with extreme age. Grandma hears of the family gamble and announces her intention of leaving and going to live with her other son Paul. But before she can finish packing, the Staffords find they have won a dividend – large enough to make Grandma revise her judgement. Now their plans of how to spend the money evoke such quarrels that they are all relieved when a chastened Jacky tells them she forgot to post the coupon. The news brings them to their senses: Denis is saved from serious trouble with the police; Martin, who felt like he could not marry Carol when she had more money than himself, can now propose; and Grandma starts packing again. In their first excitement, every member of the family had sent off a telegraphed claim, and now when these are admitted they cannot understand it. It turns out it was the previous week’s coupon Jacky forgot to post, and as long as they are congratulating each other on their double luck of winning the money and losing Grandma as well – in she walks again.
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- Time Period: 1940s/WWII
- Cast Attributes: Role(s) for Teen(s), Role(s) for Senior Actor(s)
- Target Audience: Appropriate for All Audiences