House & Garden

House & Garden

House & Garden

House & Garden


An unprecedented theatre event: two plays take place simultaneously in the same theatre but in different auditoriums. Characters walk off one set and onto the other throughout and yet each portion is a complete theatre experience. In HOUSE, two upper-crust marriages are in hilarious upheaval, the awkward confusion of young love abounds, a devious politician has bizarre ulterior motives land a French film star imbibes one too many drinks. And what is going on in the GARDEN? More hilarity.

Note: These two plays MUST be performed simultaneously by the same cast in adjacent auditoriums.


  • Cast Attributes: Room for Extras


Alan Ayckbourn

A playwright and theatre director, to date Alan Ayckbourn has written 89 plays – Family Album attracted four-star reviews when it premiered in September 2022 at the Stephen Joseph, where nearly all his plays are first staged.

However, this year he will stage his 88th play Welc ...

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