It Runs in the Family

It Runs in the Family

It Runs in the Family

It Runs in the Family


Set in a hospital, It Runs in the Family contains the usual assortment of farcical nuts running in and out of doors mistaking everybody for someone else, as Dr. Mortimore tries to fend off a paternity suit, an ex wife, a punkish son and various other lunatics so that he may, at last, deliver the Ponsonby Lecture in an international conference.

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  • Caution Mild Adult Mild Adult Themes


  • Genre: Farce
  • Time Period: Present Day
  • Target Audience: Adult, Teen (Age 14-18)


Ray Cooney

Ray Cooney began his theatrical career as a boy actor in Song of Norway at the Palace Theatre in 1946. He played in Dry Rot and Simple Spymen and then began a writing career which, to date, has sent 18 plays to the West End, including One for the Pot, Not Now Darling, Move Ov ...

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