Gone Too Far!

Gone Too Far!

Gone Too Far!

ISBN: 9780713686982

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Gone Too Far!

Gone Too Far!

ISBN: 9780713686982

In Stock


Nigeria, England, America, Jamaica; are you proud of where you're from? Dark skinned, light skinned, afro, weaves, who are your true brothers and sisters? When two brothers from different continents go down the street to buy a pint of milk, they lift the lid on a disunited nation where everyone wants to be an individual but no one wants to stand out from the crowd. A debut work produced at the Royal Court Theatre in February 2007 as part of its Young Writers Festival, Gone Too Far! is a comic and astute play about identity, history and culture. portraying a world where respect is always demanded but rarely freely given. Set on a London housing estate it depicts the experience of young multicultural Londoners and the issues of identity and culture that both unite and divide the characters. Gone Too Far! premiered at the Royal Court Theatre as part of its Young Writers Festival on 2 February 2007. It was awarded the Laurence Olivier Award for Outstanding Achievement in an Affiliate Theatre, 2008.


Bola Agbaje

Bola Agbaje

Bola Agbaje is a playwright who graduated from the young writers programme at the Royal Court in 2007.  Her first play Gone Too Far! was selected to be performed as part of the Young Writer Festival and was performed at the Royal Court Theatre (Upstairs) in February 2007.  In ...
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