Glengarry Glen Ross

Glengarry Glen Ross

Glengarry Glen Ross

Glengarry Glen Ross


This scalding comedy took Broadway and London by storm. Here is Mamet at his very best, writing about small-time, cutthroat real estate salesmen trying to grind out a living by pushing plots of land on reluctant buyers, in a never-ending scramble for their share of the American dream. Revived on Broadway in 2005 and 2012, this masterpiece of American drama also became a celebrated film starring Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, Alec Baldwin, and Alan Arkin.



  • Time Period: Contemporary
  • Cast Attributes: All Men


David Mamet

David Mamet is the author of the plays: Race, Keep Your Pantheon, School, November, Romance, Boston Marriage, Faustus, Oleanna, Glengarry Glen Ross (1984 Pulitzer Prize and New York Drama Critics Circle Award), American Buffalo, The Old Neighborhood, A Life in the Theatre, Sp ...
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