Outlying Islands

Outlying Islands

Outlying Islands

Outlying Islands

Outlying Islands


Poetic, intense and gripping, Outlying Islands is a glimpse of an innocence, a way of seeing and a way of being young that is about to be destroyed forever. In 1939, on the eve of the Second World War, two young Cambridge ornithologists arrive on a remote, uninhabited Scottish island, sent by the government to survey the island's birds. With them on the island are Kirk, the authoritarian leaseholder, and his niece Ellen, a young woman in love with the stars of silent comedy. Left alone on a scrap of land surrounded by the vast Atlantic, they observe each other. Outlying Islands was premiered at the Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh in July 2002 and transferred to the Royal Court, London in Autumn 2002.


David Greig

David Greig’s award winning work includes The Strange Undoing Of Prudencia Hart (Tron Theatre, National Theatre of Scotland); Midsummer (Traverse Theatre and Soho Theatre/Tricycle Theatre, UK and international tour);  Dunisinane (RSC at Hampstead Theatre and National Thea ...

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