Black Jack: The Thief of Possession

Black Jack: The Thief of Possession

Black Jack: The Thief of Possession

Black Jack: The Thief of Possession


Black Jack the Thief of Possession exposes the greedy machinations of an eccentric Southern family squeezed into the close quarters of a Mississippi paddlewheel cruise ship for the New Year's holiday. Matriarch Irene Dubonnet is determined to unravel the mystery of why her gorgeous daughter thinks she is a 19th century poet. Kaitlyn is channeling the poet Baudelaire, and hiding a secret. Family members don costumes for New Year's Eve, casting off their old identities and trying to figure a new way to face Kaitlin's disturbing news with a buoyant attitude. Blackjack is a sequel to O'Neill's card plays Wishing Aces, and Solitaire. The selective setting of deck of a paddleboat provides atmospheric staging possibilities for sounds and flashing lights.


Rosary Hartel O'Neill

Rosary Hartel O’Neill is the author of 25 plays, 18 published by Samuel French, Inc., and four books of nonfiction. The fourth edition of her text The Actor’s Checklist is used in schools nationwide.

Her book New Orleans Voodoo: A Cultural History (co-written with Rory Schmi ...

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