The Trials of Oscar Wilde

The Trials of Oscar Wilde

The Trials of Oscar Wilde

ISBN: 9780573110115

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The Trials of Oscar Wilde

The Trials of Oscar Wilde

ISBN: 9780573110115

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Thursday 14 February 1895 was the triumphant opening night of The Importance of Being Earnest and the zenith of Wilde’s career. Less than 100 days later, he found himself a common prisoner sentenced to two years hard labour.


So what happened during the trials and what did Wilde say? Was he persecuted or the author of his own downfall? Using the actual words spoken in court, we can feel what it was like to be in the company of a flawed genius - as this less than ideal husband was suddenly reduced to a man of no importance.

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  • Genre: Biography
  • Time Period: 19th Century
  • Cast Attributes: Reduced Casting (Doubling Possible), Expandable Casting, Flexible Cast Size


John O'Connor

John O'Connor

John is an actor, director, writer and producer. He studied Drama at the University of Manchester before living and working in Japan. In 2002, he founded the touring theatre group European Arts Company ( Their first production was a British Council spo ...
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Merlin Holland

Merlin Holland

Merlin Holland, the only grandson of Oscar Wilde, is an author living in France. For the last thirty years, he has been researching his grandfather's life and works; he writes, lectures and broadcasts regularly on the subject in English, French and German. His publications in ...

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