
10 Minute Play, Drama  /  1w, 1m

  • Cast Size
    Cast Size
    1w, 1m
  • Duration
    10 minutes
  • Audience
    Target Audience
    Adult, Teen (Age 14-18)


In Dressing, a short play in three parts, a mother teases her son over his attire just as he gets ready to leave for school. He pushes back playfully; they play this game all the time. Parts two and three follow this mother as she experiences an unimaginable loss, shedding light on the nature of the vulnerability of the physical self.
Dressing was originally commissioned for Facing Our Truth: Ten Minute Plays On Trayvon, Race And Privilege and produced by The New Black Fest, Keith Josef Adkins, Artistic Director. The original reading took place at the Martin Segal Theater at CUNY Graduate Center, NYC December 5, 2013.

Facing Our Truth is not associated with the Trayvon Martin Foundation.
  • Time Period Contemporary, Present Day, New Millennium/21st Century
  • Features Contemporary Costumes/Street Clothes
  • Additional Features No Intermission
  • Duration 10 minutes
  • Cautions
    • Intense Adult Themes


"The playwrights [of Facing Our Truth...] are Latino, white, Middle Eastern, Asian-American and black ... [The theatre event] was inspired by the debates and nationwide protests that greeted George Zimmerman’s July 13 acquittal in the killing of Mr. Martin, an unarmed black teenager." - Keith Josef Adkins, quoted in The New York Times, Read More

"We're excited to bring our community together to witness how a select group of artists will approach this tragic event and its aftermath ... These are events which, if not considered and explored thoughtfully, could fracture communities." - Michael Ritchie, Artistic Director, Center Theatre Group, Read More 

"Adkins, co-founder and artistic director of The New Black Fest, a New York City–based theatre festival, was so upset by the [verdict acquitting George Zimmerman] ... Days later, still struggling to sort out his feelings of rage, disappointment and confusion, Adkins decided to look for solace and answers where he’d always found them: in the theatre." - Theatre Communications Group, Read More

"Like no other form, theatre definitely promotes dialogue ... It puts us all in a room together, so we’re not just showing the work—we’re also opening communication around the issues that the work stirred up." - Dominique Morisseau, quoted in Theatre Communications Group, Read More

Licensing & Materials

  • Minimum Fee: £30 per performance plus VAT when applicable.


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