It's Gonna Rain

It's Gonna Rain

Matthew Waterman

ISBN: 9780573705298

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Thespian Playworks 2015

A perfect-bound script for use in production or as a reading edition.

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It's Gonna Rain

It's Gonna Rain

Matthew Waterman

ISBN: 9780573705298

In Stock


Over the course of one thousand years, a rock in Brown County State Park has been the site of young love. Mira and Nisha discuss the past while expressing their feelings for one another, and Acuera and Kansa discuss the future while holding each other. But not all relationships go so well, as seen with Charlie and Emily. As time passes and college or a move North tear relatiopnships apart, the night sky remains the same.

Published in the collection Thespian Playworks 2015

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  • Caution Drugs Drugs
  • Caution Strong Language Strong Language
  • Caution Mild Adult Mild Adult Themes


  • Time Period: New Millennium/21st Century, Medieval (6th-14th Century)
  • Cast Attributes: Role(s) for Teen(s)
  • Target Audience: Teen (Age 14-18)



Matthew Waterman