Wedding of the Year

Wedding of the Year

Wedding of the Year

ISBN: A4_0573114731

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A4 size and spiral-bound, with larger text and a blank page for notes opposite every page. Perfect for technical and directing use.

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Wedding of the Year

Wedding of the Year

ISBN: A4_0573114731

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Alison, a straight-haired, bespectacled girl, is the last person one would visualise as a heroine, but Uncle Frank decides to make her on by entering her as a prospective candidate for a Wedding of the Year competition – selecting a designer to create her wedding dress even before he has found her a suitable husband. His eye falls on Melvyn, a frustrated inventor and an appallingly clumsy young man. However the best laid plans...

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  • Genre: Farce, Romantic Comedy
  • Time Period: Present Day, 1990s, 1980s, 1970s
  • Cast Attributes: Role(s) for Senior Actor(s)
  • Target Audience: Appropriate for All Audiences


Norman Robbins

Norman Robbins

Norman Robbins, one of Amateur Theatre's most popular authors, wrote his first stage show almost 60 years ago whilst working for the Yorkshire Evening Post. An avid theatregoer from the age of three (his grandparents ran the pub near the local theatre so free tickets were al ...

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