Cyrano (Oswald)

Cyrano (Oswald)

Cyrano (Oswald)

Edmond Rostand, Peter Oswald

Cyrano (Oswald)

Cyrano (Oswald)

Edmond Rostand, Peter Oswald


A new version of the classic French romantic comedy from Peter Oswald.

Cursed with the looks of a clown, he weaves his secret longing into love letters of exquisite beauty that he will never dare to send. All he needs is a perfect nose to match his perfect prose. The handsome Christian has also fallen for Roxane – but while he looks like a god, he sounds like a fool.

Sacrificing physical love for fantasy, Cyrano hands his words of love to Christian to speak for them both. Will Roxane fall for the ‘perfect’ man? Can Cyrano exist with only half her heart? Is true love more than skin deep?


Edmond Rostand

Edmond Rostand (1868–1918) was a French poet and dramatist, best known for his 1897 play Cyrano de Bergerac. Rostand’s other works include: The Red Glove (1888); Les Musardises (1890); The Two Pierrots, or The White Supper (1891); Les Romanesques (1894), which was the basis f ...
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Peter Oswald