Not One of These People

Not One of These People

Not One of These People

Not One of These People

Not One of These People


If you think you know what it's like to be me you are seriously deluded.

Is it appropriation to invent a voice - or is it an act of empathy? If a playwright's job is to make dialogue, is there a limit to how many characters she / he / they are entitled to invent? Who can these people be? And what if an invented voice says things that even the author would prefer not to hear?

With characteristically provocative humour, Martin Crimp's latest work brings 299 unique characters to the stage. Not One of These People, a co-production between the Royal Court Theatre, Carte blanche, and the Carrefour international de theatre, premiered at Theatre La Bordee, Quebec City, in June 2022, and at the Royal Court Theatre, London, in November 2022.


Martin Crimp

Martin Crimp was born in 1956 and began writing for theatre in the 1980s. His plays include: When we have sufficiently tortured each other (2019), Men Asleep (2018), The Rest Will be Familiar To You From Cinema (2013, voted by Germany’s Theater heute best foreign play of the ...

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