The Whistling

The Whistling

Rachel Wagstaff, Duncan Abel, Rebecca Netley

The Whistling

The Whistling

Rachel Wagstaff, Duncan Abel, Rebecca Netley


When Elspeth arrives on a remote Scottish island to become a nanny to a young girl, she hopes to bond with her… until she learns that, for reasons no one will explain, Mary has not spoken for months. And the child’s silence is not the only mystery. Hypnotic lullabies drift down empty corridors. Strange dolls appear in abandoned rooms. As the nights draw in, darker questions arise: what happened to Mary’s late twin, William? Why did their previous nanny disappear so suddenly? And is the whistling Elspeth hears at night just the storm outside? Or is somebody coming for her?

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  • Genre: Mystery/Thriller, Period
  • Target Audience: Adult


Rachel Wagstaff

Rachel Wagstaff wrote the book for the multi-award winning musical Flowers for Mrs Harris (Best Musical, UK Theatre Awards 2016), which transferred to Chichester Festival Theatre, directed by Daniel Evans, in September 2018 after a run at the Sheffield Crucible. Her criticall ...

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Duncan Abel

Duncan Abel is a writer of plays, radio plays and short stories. He lectured in Creative Writing at the University of Hertfordshire from 2014 to 2015. Duncan was shortlisted for the 2010 Luke Bitmead Award for his novel The Way Home. He also wrote, with co-writer Rachel Wagst ...
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Rebecca Netley