
Information for writers

What sort of submissions do we consider?
We accept plays and musicals. 

We only accept scripts for performance on stage; please do not send us screenplays or novels.

We are happy to read work from agented and unagented playwrights, however we will only consider new titles for publication if they have an upcoming professional performance or have been professionally produced in the UK or Ireland in the last 3 years.

Please note, we are not accepting submissions of:

  • One-act plays under 30 minutes.
  • Pantomimes.

We are happy to read, but rarely accept:

  • Plays or musicals for one performer, unless there is a significant professional production confirmed.
  • Adaptations of classic literature, unless in conjunction with a significant professional production in the UK or Ireland.

Please attach the full script of your play or musical as a PDF only. We do not accept paper submissions.

Please note, we will only accept 3 submissions per author at a time and please allow eight weeks before follow up.

Please submit the script as a PDF with the following naming convention – [TITLE] – [AUTHOR].pdf

When your file is formatted and ready to send, please email it with your cover email to

When submitting a play to us please include the following:

    • The title of your play, your name and contact information, and agent details (if applicable)
    • Short synopsis including casting breakdown, genre, plot etc
    • Information about the upcoming production including dates and venues or production history
    • A short author biography, links to reviews and awards

When submitting a musical to us please include the following:

  • The title of your play, your name and contact information, and agent details (if applicable)
  • The fully orchestrated score as a Sibelius or Finale file and any recordings/links to cast albums available
  • Short synopsis including casting breakdown, genre, plot etc
  • Information about the upcoming production including dates and venues or production history
  • A short author biography, links to reviews and awards